Barndoors mount to the 12/24/36 degree optics allowing additional light shaping. The two flip-in filter holders snap onto the barndoors adding fast color changes with the accessory Glass 82mm CTO filters.
Reflex Barndoors with Filter Holder
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Barndoors mount to the 12/24/36 degree optics allowing additional light shaping. The two flip-in filter holders snap onto the barndoors adding fast color changes with the accessory Glass 82mm CTO filters.

Reflex Barndoors with Filter Holder
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The barndoors themselves are decent material. Not overly crazy about the securing mechanism to fasten the doors to the hood. The filter holder is made out of plastic which in of itself is probably ok but selling a filter as a separate accessory would have made a better option. If you wanted to use all 3 filters, there's no option for that. Using just 2 filters, the second filter doesn't lay flat against the first one. I would have rather seen an attachment where you could slide filters into a slot between the barndoors and hood. Filters are good, barndoors are good, combined together, well, not so good.